8 Games Like GTA 5 for Android with High Graphics

Games like GTA 5 for Android free: Today, I'll tell you about 8 games that are very similar to the GTA series and are quite fun.

Guys, we all need to accept a harsh reality: GTA 5 will not be available for mobile devices for several more years. Many gamers were expecting GTA 4 to be released on mobile devices in 2018, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen either. 

So, what games can we play in the meantime that are fun and offer an experience closest to the GTA series?

Today, I'll tell you about 8 games that are very similar to the GTA series and are quite fun.

Let me know in the comments which GTA games you have tried on your mobile device.

Disclaimer: Please note that the games discussed in this article are for entertainment purposes only. We do not condone or encourage any illegal activities in real life.

Battle Dogs

This is an action-adventure open-world game you should try if you are not interested in game missions, as it is designed for free roam where you can explore the map. Different vehicles, NPCs, and missions make this game quite fun.

Gangs Town Story

I personally like this game a lot. The biggest reason is its graphics and physics. Normally, mobile games similar to GTA don't have good controls or graphics, but Gangs Town Story excels in both. It reminds me of Total Overdose.

In this game, you can access an open-world map, drive exciting cars, destroy those you don’t like, and even use tanks or helicopters. It also has powerful game items and exciting cheat codes.

Madout 2 Big City Online

Known as the "fake GTA," this game offers the closest experience to GTA 5 on mobile. It features around 40 vehicles you can modify, and while the missions aren’t particularly interesting, the online mode makes up for it.

Payback 2

A fun open-world game similar to the GTA series, Payback 2 offers exciting voice missions. Its graphics, physics, and shooting style are quite good. The missions are engaging, and there are exciting races, like the rocket car race. You can also play this game online.

Armed Heist

If you love the robbery missions in GTA 5, you’ll fall for Armed Heist. Though it’s not an open-world game, its concept is similar to GTA 5's heist missions. You team up with friends to complete tasks like defending yourself, collecting items, and escaping. The graphics are excellent, taking the game to the next level.

Gangster New Orleans

This is another open-world crime game like the GTA series with well-made storyline missions. The map is large and well-designed. As you progress, you can acquire new cars, game items, and even a private island.

The unique feature of this game is mansion building, where you can buy a mansion, fill it with cars, bikes, or boats, and make it your gangster hideout. Character customization is a highlight for those who love customizing characters.

Bully Anniversary Edition

An open-world game known for its storyline and unique concept, the protagonist is 15-year-old Jimmy, sent to the notorious Bullworth Academy. Here, you face off against various bully groups. The map isn’t huge, but it’s fun to play.

This game is a masterpiece, and I hope Rockstar Games releases Bully 2.

GTA Vice City Stories

While not officially launched for mobile, mid-range devices can run this game smoothly via a PSP emulator. The story precedes the original Vice City, with the protagonist being Victor, Lance’s brother.

Released in 2006, it features interesting elements like swimming, buying businesses, and entering buildings. The Vice City map is improved with new locations. If you’re a Vice City fan like me, this is for you.


These are the 8 best games similar to GTA that you should try as a GTA fan. 

Fore more GTA experiences, check out my article on Experience GTA 5 Roleplay on Mobile to dive deeper into the roleplaying aspect. Also, don't miss out on my insights in 10 Reasons GTA San Andreas Should Inspire GTA 6 and explore Top 8 Open World Games for Endless Exploration for more amazing gaming options.

Disclaimer: Please note that the games discussed in this article are for entertainment purposes only. We do not condone or encourage any illegal activities in real life.

About the Author

Worked for 3 months as a stock market broker. Learned about stocks, helping people invest wisely.

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