6 Must-Play Open World Games Before GTA 6 Drops

Hello guys, welcome to my blog! Today, we'II explore the 6 best open-world games you can enjoy until a masterpiece like GTA 6 arrives.

Hello guys, welcome to my blog! Today, we'II explore the 6 best open-world games you can enjoy until a masterpiece like GTA 6 arrives.

Mafia Definitive Edition

This game personally impressed me because most modern action games are either set in the present or the future, making a historical setting quite refreshing.

The story is set in the 1930s and offers a range of classic missions that provide a unique experience. 

You play as Tommy Angelo, who transitions from a taxi driver to a powerful figure, showcasing an engaging storyline. The graphics are next-level, and the fact that it's a remake of the 2002 original adds to its charm.

For those with less powerful PCs, the original version is still a great option. 

Saints Row: The Third Remastered

This game deserves as much popularity as GTA 5. It includes all the features found in modern games—interesting aircraft, numerous land vehicles, and unusual equipment. The cinematic fight scenes are especially engaging. There have been many parts of this game, such as Saints Row 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, but Saints Row: The Third stands out as the best in the series.

Watch Dogs: Legion

This action-adventure game is set in a future version of London and offers an exciting array of high-tech gameplay elements. You can explore the entire city, drive various vehicles, and enjoy the futuristic graphics. The highlight is the innovative technology your character uses, making it a unique experience.

Saints Row 5

Whether you believe it or not, when GTA Online was introduced to the market, many features were inspired by the Saints Row series, such as flying bikes and tanks. While it received mixed reviews, I found Saints Row 5 fun. The fictional city of Santo Ileso offers extensive customization options for cars and characters. It's not as wild as previous entries, but it’s a solid addition to the series.


Since people learned about the game Everywhere, GTA fans have been very excited because it might even beat GTA 6. This is because the game’s creator, Lizzy Benzyl, was the ex-boss of Rockstar Games and worked there for 25 years. He has now announced a game called Everywhere, with even a trailer released. 

This open-world game allows players to perform various activities in different parts of the world. It will also be an open-world game like the GTA series, featuring its storyline, but with the most interesting aspect being that the storyline progresses based on how you play the game, offering many choices to complete a mission.

Cyberpunk 2077

This game is also set in the future and is an excellent choice for sci-fi and RPG lovers. However, I don’t enjoy futuristic games too much. I played this game, and I didn’t find any particularly enjoyable elements in it.


So, guys, these are the 6 best games you can play until GTA 6 hits the market. Considering that the second half of 2024 is still ongoing, we’ll get to play GTA 6 soon.

If you're looking for more gaming content, check out my previous posts:

If you have any theories about GTA 6, feel free to share them. I’d love to hear them!

About the Author

Worked for 3 months as a stock market broker. Learned about stocks, helping people invest wisely.

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