Tokyo Swindlers Review | A slow burn thriller worth watching

Tokyo Swindlers Review: If I were to review this show in two words, I would say "good show."

Welcome to AyushBlogWorld. So, guys, I watched a show on Netflix called Tokyo Swindlers, and I think I should discuss this show openly with you all.

Well, friends, the story of this show is about a group of people who scam others and make money by illegally selling land. They think there is a fantastic piece of land in Tokyo that will make them a good amount of money, so they decide to scam. Will their scam be successful or not? If you're curious to know, watch this show which is available on Netflix.

It has seven episodes with lengths varying from 40 to 60 minutes.

This show is also available in Hindi. 

Table of Contents

Tokyo Swindlers Review

If I were to review this show in two words, I would say "good show." The way the entire plotting of the scam is presented, the execution, and the characters' planning are all very thrilling. I mean, the show runs at a somewhat slow pace throughout but succeeds in delivering thrills, especially with its plotting, which will completely impress you.

As I mentioned, this show is a slow burn, so it takes some time to get to its point and express it. If you are the kind of audience that needs things to happen instantly, this show might not appeal to you as much. But if you have patience, I would say start the show slowly; it will succeed in entertaining you, that’s my guarantee.

Everyone in the show has done a good job; the characters are decently established here and they also have depth.

The production value is good and the background music works well. Yes, the show is a bit lengthy and progresses at a slow pace, but if you can overlook these issues, this show will succeed in providing a worthwhile experience.


I would give Tokyo Swindlers 8 out of 10 stars. In terms of parental guidance, this is not a family show; there is plenty of strong language used and some adult scenes as well. Speaking of the Hindi dubbing, it was very good and I enjoyed it a lot.

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So that was my review of Tokyo Swindlers. Hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to subscribe and let me know in the comments how you enjoyed this new Netflix series regarding scam.

About the Author

Worked for 3 months as a stock market broker. Learned about stocks, helping people invest wisely.

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